3 exercises against foot pain

The feet bear the weight of the entire body and can then hurt if there are malpositions, overloads or injuries, for example to the tendons or bones. Inflammation such as osteoarthritis, in which joints wear out, can also be the cause of foot pain. To actively strengthen the feet, regular activation of muscles and tendons helps, which can be achieved by means of light training.

On the tiptoes to strengthen the muscles of the feet

Stand with both legs hip-width apart on the floor so that you feel your feet firmly under you. Make sure that your back is not in a hollow position. Now lift your heels off the floor until you are standing on your toes. After a few seconds of holding, carefully unroll again.

If you lack balance at the beginning, you can hold on to the back of a chair or the edge of a table, for example. It is important that your feet do not buckle either outward or inward once you are on your toes. To do this, it helps to tense the entire body, but especially the abdominal center. Repeated performance of this exercise results in strengthening and stabilization of the entire foot musculature.

Feet stretching against foot pain

Stretching the tops of the feet helps strengthen the midfoot and toes. Sit down on the floor so that they are in a comfortable position. For example, you can place your arms stretched out to your sides on the floor to support your body. Now stretch your feet and hold the position. Optimally, the toes point downwards.

Daily 3 minutes exercises against foot pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Daily 3 minutes exercises against foot pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Flex the feet afterwards to stretch the opposite direction.

Daily 1 times 3 minutes exercise against foot pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Daily 1 times 3 minutes exercise against foot pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

To reinforce the stretches, you can take one foot at a time in your hand to stretch it with downward or upward pressure.

Stretching the back of the foot against foot pain

Now get into the heel seat and rest your buttocks on the heels of your feet. Hold this position for a few minutes and then dissolve it. With regular repetition of this exercise, you will strengthen the front and middle part of the foot.

Daily 1x 3 minutes exercises against foot pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Daily 1x 3 minutes exercises against foot pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Foot pain can have various causes and certainly there is not a solution to all of them. But those who regularly train and care for their feet will be better able to prevent malpositions, signs of wear or injuries. Even if symptoms are already present, light exercises are suitable to improve the condition of the foot and reduce pain. However, if the pain persists, it is recommended to see a physical therapist who can check the condition of your feet and locate possible causes of pain. The sooner you get to the bottom of pain, the more effectively you can eliminate pain and return to your original physical fitness.

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