Frozen Shoulder: Treatment and healing

Frozen shoulder is the term used to describe a frozen shoulder, which is characterized by restricted movement of the shoulder joint and can cause severe pain. Restricted mobility of the shoulder can be restored with the help of physiotherapy and other measures, provided that existing symptoms are addressed promptly.

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Symptoms of frozen shoulder (frozen shoulder)

Frozen shoulder is not a rare condition, nor is it one that needs to be of particular concern, as long as immediate treatment is addressed. Restricted mobility, which is particularly noticeable when lifting the arm, as well as difficulties with everyday activities, such as dressing, indicate a frozen shoulder.

What are the causes of frozen shoulder?

Stiffening in the shoulder can have many different causes. This usually involves adhesions or scarring in the shoulder joint, which can lead to restricted mobility. However, inflammation in the tissue of the shoulder joint can also lead to this condition. Past sports injuries or accidents can also affect the function of the shoulders in retrospect and manifest themselves in the form of a blockage. However, diseases such as diabetes or thyroid disorders can also lead to stiffness in the shoulder, which is why a holistic examination can also be useful for this usually harmless condition.

a young woman instructing a man on the correct posture for exercising

Treatment approaches for frozen shoulder

Treatment is required to thaw a frozen shoulder, which can take several weeks. It is important to have a diagnosis by a doctor who can identify possible causes. If the condition can be attributed to physical causes, a visit to a physiotherapist can be particularly useful.

Physiotherapy for frozen shoulder (frozen shoulder)

The mobility of the shoulder can be improved with targeted exercises. Ideally, these include techniques for stretching and strengthening the joint. These exercises are designed to stretch the joint capsule to release adhesions, while at the same time strengthening the muscles of the shoulder so that the shoulder can be better supported. Manual techniques such as massages or mobilization techniques can also be used to release stiffness.

It can also be helpful to work on posture and movement patterns to prevent future restrictions. As part of physiotherapy, the correct posture can be trained so that stressful or damaging movements can be avoided.

Some physiotherapists work with heat and cold therapy, whereby heat can relax the muscles, while cold applications can reduce pain.

traditional thai massage frozen shoulder treatment

Medicine and injections for frozen shoulder (frozen shoulder)

In some cases, anti-inflammatory medication or injections can help to minimize pain and inflammation. Prescription painkillers can provide relief after a doctor’s recommendation and reduce pain for the time being so that further healing measures can be taken.

A frozen shoulder can be thawed with targeted measures such as physiotherapy or medication, which can restore full mobility to the shoulder.

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