How can physiotherapy alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an enormous burden for many people. Constant whistling, hissing or buzzing in the ear can significantly impair quality of life. But many people don’t know this: Physiotherapy can help to alleviate the symptoms and improve well-being.

Relationship between tinnitus and the neck region

Tinnitus can be caused in a number of ways – not only by loud noises or neurological problems, but also by a close association with tension in the neck and jaw. If the muscles in the neck are tense or the mobility of the neck region is restricted, this could impair blood circulation to the inner ear and worsen the symptoms.

Relieve Tinnitus Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Relieve Tinnitus Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Physiotherapeutic approaches for the relief of tinnitus

Physiotherapy addresses precisely these points. Targeted treatment methods reduce tension and improve mobility, which often leads to noticeable relief.

  1. Manual therapy
    Manual treatment can intensify tinnitus if there are blockages in the cervical spine or tension in the masticatory muscles, whereby gentle mobilization techniques can improve mobility and reduce pressure from the nervous system and blood vessels.
  2. Muscle relaxation and stretching
    Targeted stretching and relaxation techniques help to relieve tension in the neck and shoulder area. This can promote blood circulation and thus also relieve the ear.
  3. Posture and movement training
    Poor posture, especially during sedentary activities, can lead to neck tension. Targeted training strengthens the muscles and reduces the strain on the neck.
  4. Breathing therapy
    Mindful breathing exercises can help to release tension throughout the body and improve circulation, as well as helping to relax the muscles in the jaw and neck area.
  5. TMJ treatment (CMD therapy)
    The treatment of temporomandibular joint problems (CMD therapy), which can often be associated with tinnitus (CMD = craniomandibular dysfunction), can help to alleviate symptoms using special techniques for TMJ treatment.
Tinnitus Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Tinnitus Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

How long does the treatment take?

The duration of treatment depends on the individual causes and severity of the tinnitus. Initial progress may be noticeable after just a few sessions, but long-term improvement requires regular exercise and conscious posture in everyday life.


Tinnitus can have a variety of causes, but physiotherapeutic measures offer an effective way to alleviate the symptoms. Targeted treatments can reduce tension, improve blood circulation and thus achieve noticeable relief. If you actively work on your health, you can achieve long-term improvement and make the tinnitus fade into the background.

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