Mouse arm: 5 exercises to relieve elbow pain

Anyone who spends a long time at the computer due to their office work runs the risk of suffering from what is known as tennis elbow or mouse elbow. This is nothing more than a chronic overload of the elbow, which can be triggered by moving the computer mouse. Even the smallest movements in everyday life can lead to pain, for example pouring coffee in the morning or opening a door. The pain in the elbow goes back to the tendon attachments of the lower muscles, which enable gripping or stretching, for example.

In the case of a mouse arm, it is important to act quickly, because the irritated tendon attachments can lead to chronic pain. The permanent overload can cause tears in the tissue, which in the worst case can lead to changes in the tendon tissue. Exercises with which you can stretch the forearm muscles regularly and in between can help to reduce the symptoms.

5 exercises against mouse elbow or tennis elbow

1. Extend your arms forward and grasp your right hand with your left hand. Now press your right hand down towards the floor to stretch the lower muscles.

5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch
5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch

Hold this position for about 20 seconds, then switch to stretching the other side. This exercise can be repeated at least four times per side. It can be recommended to vary the directions of stretching. You can stretch the hand down or up, sideways toward your chest, or outward away from your body.

5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch
5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch

2. Extend your arms forward again and form a fist with your hands. Now you can rotate your fists in and out several times. Be sure to do the exercise slowly and carefully so as not to overwhelm the tendons.

3. The next step is to massage the epicondyles, which form the two small bony prominences of the humerus. You can easily find these by feeling your elbow with your fingers. Run two fingers up and down the epicondyles. What can be very painful at first, has a relieving effect afterwards.

5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch
5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch

4. Irritated tissue can best be relieved by better blood circulation. The better the blood flow, the better the healing. It is advisable to massage the elbow with a cold pack. Move your elbows in a circular motion, preferably from the outside in. The increased blush indicates increased blood flow. At least 3 minutes per side will increase circulation and help reduce irritation.

5. If these exercises do not have any effect, it is advisable to consult a physiotherapist to practice individual muscle stretching techniques, which will allow you to reduce the disturbed muscle tension.

5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch
5 exercises for elbow pain Physiotherapy Practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch

Remember that mouse elbow or tennis elbow can be treated well if you react early enough. Pay attention to your body’s signals and allow yourself time and again to take care of yourself and relax .

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