Shingles is a form of herpes that – similar to a chickenpox infection – remains in the body as a virus and can also be (re)activated in adulthood. Reactivation of the virus can be attributed to factors such as stress or a weakened immune system. The disease manifests as painful blisters and rashes on one side of the body and can cause various symptoms, such as pain, sensory disturbances, burning, tingling or itching.
With early treatment, symptoms can be effectively managed, and a recovery time of several weeks can be expected.
Symptoms of shingles
Shingles is a skin rash that usually appears as a streak or spot on one side of the body. The blisters are initially filled with fluid, although these may later dry out and crust over. Most often, the rash starts from the spine and spreads around the chest, abdomen or face.

In most cases, the rashes are accompanied by persistent itching that can be painful. Often, other symptoms such as headache, dizziness or fever are mixed in.
Treatment of shingles
If shingles is suspected, medical advice should be sought immediately. Shingles is a highly infectious disease that can be dangerous for some at-risk groups. Home quarantine may be recommended in many cases. Depending on the stage of the infection, antiviral or anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by a specialist may lead to improvement.
Relaxation promotes recovery from shingles
If the disease is at an early stage, physical exercises such as yoga, meditation or muscle relaxation can help reduce stress and promote recovery.

Also, affected areas of skin can be treated with an external treatment, such as cooling using a wet cloth or cooling pads, to relieve pain and itching. A balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains can also strengthen the immune system and have an impact on the expression of shingles. In addition, natural remedies such as aloe vera gel or tea tree oil can help relieve the symptoms of shingles.
Early treatment of shingles is critical to avoid potential complications and relieve pain and discomfort. It is important to get to the bottom of initial symptoms in time for quick and effective treatment.