The role of physiotherapy in the treatment of impingement syndrome

Impingement syndrome is a common cause of shoulder pain and mainly affects people who repeatedly perform overhead activities. This includes athletes, manual workers or people with one-sided movement patterns in everyday life. Early and targeted physiotherapy is crucial to relieve pain, reduce movement restrictions and prevent long-term damage.

What is impingement syndrome?

Impingement syndrome describes a painful pinching of tendons or bursae in the shoulder joint. The supraspinatus tendon, which runs under the acromion, is usually affected. Persistent irritation leads to inflammation, thickening of the tendons and narrowing of the subacromial space. This results in pain during movement, especially when lifting the arm.

Typical symptoms are

  • Pain during overhead work
  • Sharp pain when lifting the arm
  • Night pain when lying on the affected shoulder
  • Loss of strength and restricted movement

If left untreated, impingement syndrome can lead to degenerative changes and, in the worst case, cause a tendon rupture.

Syndrome Impingement Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Syndrome Impingement Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

How does physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapy is a key treatment measure for impingement syndrome. The aim is to strengthen the shoulder muscles, improve mobility and correct incorrect loading. The therapy consists of several components:

1. pain relief and anti-inflammation

In the acute phase, the focus is on pain-relieving measures. Here come:

  • Manual therapy to relieve the irritated structures
  • Soft tissue techniques to reduce muscular tension
  • Cooling or heat applications, depending on the irritation condition

2. improvement of mobility

Shoulder mobility is gradually improved through targeted mobilization techniques. Passive and active movement exercises help to resolve restricted movement patterns and restore full shoulder function.

3. strengthening the shoulder muscles

Targeted muscle development training is essential to optimize the biomechanical conditions in the shoulder. Particular attention is paid to the rotator cuff and the shoulder blade stabilizers, as weak muscles promote impingement.

4. posture correction and adaptation to everyday life

Incorrect posture and unfavorable movement patterns are often the cause of impingement syndrome. Posture and ergonomic advice as well as individual adjustments to work processes can reduce the strain. Patients also learn to avoid stressful movements and use alternative movement patterns.

Supraspinatus tendon Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Supraspinatus tendon Physiotherapy Practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

How long does the treatment take?

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms and the individual’s ability to heal. As a rule, initial improvements can be seen after a few weeks of targeted therapy. However, complete rehabilitation can take several months, especially if the impingement syndrome is already chronic.

When is surgery necessary?

In severe cases, when conservative measures are not sufficient, surgery may be necessary. However, physiotherapy also plays a crucial role here – both before and after the operation to ensure the best possible recovery of shoulder function.


Impingement syndrome is a serious but easily treatable shoulder condition. Early and targeted physiotherapeutic treatment can relieve pain, improve mobility and often avoid surgery. If you actively work on your recovery and consistently implement the exercises you have learned, you can keep your shoulder healthy and functional in the long term.

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