
Physiotherapeutic treatments
Bobath for adults / KG Neuro
The Bobath therapy or KG Neuro specializes in neurological diseases that are treated with physiotherapeutic treatment methods. The aim of this form of therapy is to promote the patient’s own activity on an individual and everyday basis. […]
Craniomadibular Dysfunction (CMD)
Craniomadibular dysfunction (CMD) generally refers to a dysregulation of the temporomandibular joint together with the muscles and bones involved. About 8 % of the German population is affected by this disease. Headache, neck pain, back pain, knee pain, teeth grinding, dizziness or tinnitus – all these symptoms can be attributed to craniomadibular dysfunction. […]
Gait analysis and posture school
The gait school specializes in learning an ideal gait pattern, depending on the anatomy and physical condition of the patient. Incorrect posture of the gait can lead to pain and damage all over the body – especially in the back, pelvis and knees. Within the scope of the therapy a relaxed, balanced and rhythmically ideal gait pattern is trained. […]
Hand rehabilitation
The hands fulfil innumerable functions – they grip, feel, pull, type. Without hands, the human being is restricted and the room for manoeuvre is smaller. Injuries to the hands can have many causes. Broken bones, nerve injuries or chronic pain symptoms – hand rehabilitation tries to find a therapeutic solution for all causes. […]
Kinesio Taping
Kinesio Taping originally comes from Japan and is mostly used to reduce pain, improve joint function, release tension, stimulate the metabolism or reduce swelling. Colourful strips of plaster are applied to the skin, whereby the tension of the tape varies depending on the intensity of the effect. The adhesive strips woven from cotton are elastic and breathable and therefore suitable for application to the skin. […]
Classical massage
The classical massage is one of the oldest treatment methods in the world. By stroking, kneading, rubbing, pressing or tapping, certain parts of the body are treated in such a way that tension and pain in the area of the locomotor system are alleviated. Massaging the body leads to an increase in blood flow to the skin, connective tissue, muscles and tendons. […]
Physiotherapy includes active and passive forms of therapy that treat diseases from almost all medical fields. Physiotherapy often accompanies the treatment of diseases with the aim of optimizing the body’s functionality and compensating for movement deficits. […]
Manual lymph drainage
Lymph drainage is used in particular for the treatment of lymphoedema and aims to stimulate lymph drainage. If body parts such as legs or arms swell, this is often due to a congestion of lymph fluid in the tissue. Lack of exercise, smoking or overweight and numerous other reasons can disturb the flow of lymph. […]
Manual therapy
Manual therapy is a healing treatment that is executed with the hands. The treatment requires a systematic physiotherapeutic examination to analyse functional disorders of the locomotor system. […]
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation is a treatment technique that aims to achieve economical muscle interaction. The human body contains motion sensors, so-called receptors. These receptors ensure that humans know – without having to look – how the body moves or in which position it is located. […]
Back school
The back school is a training concept that is specialized in the treatment of back pain. Relaxation exercises and training to strengthen the muscles are intended to prevent chronic back pain or alleviate existing tension and pain. […]
Electrotherapy treatment
The current treatment is a form of electrotherapy, which is mainly used for acute or chronic diseases. Electrical stimuli are intended to trigger nerve reactions that contribute to pain relief, strengthening of the muscles or inhibition of inflammation. […]
Ultrasound treatments
Ultrasound therapy is a therapeutic procedure that is used primarily for pain of the musculoskeletal system such as joint or spinal disorders. Ultrasound in itself refers to rapidly successive sound waves that are intended to detect diseases of organs or joints. During an ultrasound treatment, the inaudible sound waves are used to relieve pain and muscle tension associated with nerves, tendons and joints. […]
Cranio-Sacral-Therapy is an alternative medical treatment form that has developed from osteopathy. The fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord moves the nervous system from the skull (cranium) to the sacrum (sacrum). The pulsation of the fluid creates the body’s own rhythms, which are felt during the therapy. The cranio-sacral rhythm can be felt everywhere because it spreads throughout the body via the connective tissue. […]
Fasciae Therapy
Fasciae, in specific the connective tissue, run through our body and provide stability in the body. An unhealthy lifestyle associated with a lack of exercise, stress and/or incorrect nutrition or injuries, e.g. after operations or accidents, lead to adhesions, twisting or tangling of the fascia. All this can lead to chronic pain and make the body immobile. […]
Visceral Techniques
The visceral therapy focuses on the organs in the abdominal area, but also the chest and pelvic area and the adjacent connective tissue. Manual techniques are used to treat functional limitations of the organs and associated symptoms. […]
Sports Physiotherapy
Sport specific analyses
Regular sport requires a strong body with joints, tendons and muscles that function properly in the long term. This requires a healthy way of dealing with one’s own body as well as a good body perception that protects and preserves the locomotor system. Signs of wear and tear and overuse damage to the spine and joints occur above all when malpositions or muscular imbalances are not identified early on. […]
Sport-specific physiotherapy
Sports-specific physiotherapy specialises in the treatment of active athletes with the aim of maintaining or restoring their sporting ability. High-performance sport puts a strain on the body and can stress joints, muscles and tendons. Tension, blockages and pain are not uncommon symptoms that can severely restrict performance. The causes can often be traced back to chronic overload situations, incorrect strain or imbalances. […]
Sportstape / Kinesiology Taping
Kinesiological taping – this form of therapy is known from Japanese medicine. In particular, kinesiologic tapes are used by athletes to strengthen muscles, treat injuries and stabilize certain areas to prevent fractures or distortions. […]
Pre-competition, post-competition care / treatment
Competitive sport is primarily about winning. Maximum performance is achieved in order to achieve the best possible goals. It is not uncommon for ambition to lead to injuries caused by incorrect training, mental or physical fatigue, poor nutrition or incompletely healed injuries. In general, overloading leads to sports injuries. But even during the competition bad conditions, such as bad weather or an unfortunate collision can lead to accidents. […]
Detox / Regeneration Massages
Theragun G3PRO Massage
With the Theragun G3PRO, we have a new type of therapy device in our practice in Berlin, which – in addition to a beneficial massage effect – specifically treats deep-seated muscle complaints. Non-athletes also benefit from this therapy. Learn how the Theragun works and how it is applied. […]
Anti Stress Massage
Wird der Alltag als schnelllebig, der Weg zur Arbeit als hektisch, der Druck im Studium als einengend empfunden, reagiert der Körper mit Stress. Ein dauerhafter Anspannungszustand ist gesundheitsschädlich und führt zunächst zu Verspannungen und Schmerzen im Körper – vor allem im Bereich der Schultern, des Nackens und Rückens. Doch auch die Psyche reagiert negativ. […]
Aromaöl Massage
Jeder zweite Mensch in Deutschland klagt über Rückenschmerzen und mindestens genauso viele über Verspannungen im Nacken oder in den Schultern. Eine falsche Körperhaltung, der Büroalltag oder harte körperliche Arbeit – all das führt zu einer verminderten Lebensqualität bedingt durch körperliche Beschwerden. Es ist deshalb wichtig, dem Körper wohltuend entgegen zu kommen. […]
Bindegewebe Massage
Die Bindegewebsmassage gehört zu den sogenannten Reflexzonenmassagen und konzentriert sich auf den Rücken, Oberschenkelregion, Kreuzbein und Beckenregion. Ziel ist es, über bestimmte Nervenreizungen innere Organe zu behandeln, das Bindegewebe zu straffen sowie den Stoffwechsel zu aktivieren. Das bedeutet, dass die Massage verschiedener Körperzonen die Funktion anderer Organe beeinflusst. […]
Die Fußreflexzonentherapie geht auf eine lange Historie zurück: Im alten Ägypten, in China und bei den Indianern galt die Therapie als sehr wirksam, um über die Füße Erkrankungen in verschiedenen Körperregionen zu identifizieren und heilen. Über bestimmte Nervenreizungen bzw. Reflexe lassen sich Fernwirkungen auf innere Organe erzielen. […]
Hot Stone Massage
Heiße Steine als Form der Therapie – die Hot Stone-Massage ist eine uralte chinesische Heilkunst, die sich auf die Heilung von Verspannungen und Schmerzen spezialisiert. Ziel der Therapie ist es, den Körper so zu verwöhnen, dass sich der Geist wieder frei entfalten kann. Die Massage soll Durchlässigkeit durch Wärmeeinfluss, allgemeines Wohlbefinden durch bessere Körperwahrnehmung und Stressabbau durch den Fokus auf bestimmte Körperpartien erreichen. […]
Sportler Massage
Massagen gehen auf eine Jahrtausende alte Tradition und Heilkunst zurück. Mit manuellen Techniken wird die Durchblutung von Haut, Bindegewebe, Muskeln und Sehnen angeregt. Sportler-Massagen konzentrieren sich auf Sportler, dessen Körper besonders beansprucht und herausgefordert wird. […]
Wellness Massage
Hoher Leistungsdruck, permanente Erreichbarkeit und die Schnelligkeit des Alltags führen zu Stress und Anspannung. Werden Aufgaben schnell erledigt, verspürt der Mensch eine kurzweilige Zufriedenheit, die einen Ehrgeiz für nächste Herausforderungen schafft. So gerät die Psyche schnell in einen Kreislauf, der darin besteht, Leistung zu erbringen. Dabei wird das Bewusstsein für Stress ausgeschaltet und der Körper funktioniert auf Knopfdruck. […]