Bobath Physiotherapy Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch

Bobath therapy for adults with neurological diseases

Bobath therapy is a special form of neurological therapy for adults. It is used to slowly and systematically straighten up people with paralysis or other neurological problems, as well as improve their motor and cognitive skills. The aim of this form of therapy is to promote the patient’s own activity individually and in relation to everyday life.

Bobath therapy is a very effective method of helping adults with neurological conditions. Many patients report an improvement in their motor and cognitive abilities after treatment.

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What is Bobath?

Bobath is a treatment method used for neurological disorders. The method is based on the assumption that the brain is able to control the movements of the body. Bobath therapists work with patients to help them regain motor skills.

The method was developed in the 1940s by the British physiotherapist Berta Bobath. Since then, it has been applied worldwide to treat patients with conditions such as stroke, paraplegia and cerebral palsy.

Bobath therapy involves a personalized approach based on the needs of the individual patient. Treatment sessions may include, but are not limited to, movement, posture and balance training, and massage.

How does Bobath therapy affect patients with neurological disorders?

Bobath is a specialized form of physical therapy treatment that focuses on restoring motor function in patients with neurological disorders. The aim of the treatment is to support the affected persons as much as possible in their everyday life and to help them regain their motor skills and mobility.

Bobath therapy is based on the concept of sensory integration, which uses various sensory stimuli (such as touch, vibration and light) to improve the body’s motor functions. The treatment is usually performed by an experienced physiotherapist who is familiar with the Bobath concept.

Bobath treatment takes place in our physiotherapy practice in Berlin-Mitte. Duration of treatment depends on the needs and goals of the patient. As a rule, the treatment is carried out over a period of several weeks or months.

What are the benefits of Bobath for neurological conditions?

Bobath is a physiotherapeutic treatment method developed specifically for people with neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. However, patients who have suffered a stroke or cerebral hemorrhage or who suffer from paralysis can also be successfully treated with Bobath. Through Bobath, patients can improve their motor skills and learn to better control their bodies. This enables them to resume everyday activities and continue living their lives normally as much as possible.

Bobath is a highly individualized treatment that is tailored to the needs and capabilities of the individual patient. Through Bobath, patients can improve their strength, endurance and coordination and generally become fitter.

What is the goal of the therapy?

Bobath therapy is a rehabilitative treatment method used for patients with neurological disorders. The goal of therapy is to improve the motor and sensory functions of the body as well as to promote the patient’s overall health. Treatment includes exercises aimed at helping the patient return to normal movement.

How does Bobath work?

Bobath therapy is a physiotherapy treatment method specifically designed for people with neurological conditions. Specific exercises are designed to improve patients’ motor skills, sensitivity and balance. The treatment is based on the knowledge of the functioning of the central nervous system.

Our physiotherapists have been specially trained for Bobath therapy. Sessions are usually held once or twice a week and last 30 to 60 minutes.

When should you schedule observation days?

Observation days are important to monitor disease progression and adjust treatment. As a rule, observation days should be scheduled every 3-6 months.

Physiotherapy Bobath treatment for adults

Bobath therapy looks at the person individually and holistically. Therefore, there are no standardized exercises for the treatment of damage to the nervous system. Since the nervous system has the ability to learn throughout life, functions can be reactivated or improved. Depending on the disease and the patient, the therapy can be performed in a standing, sitting or lying position. It helps to train body awareness, reduce pain, relearn lost movement skills and, most importantly, restore independence in everyday life.

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