Manual therapy

Manual therapy Berlin Mitte

Help with blockages of the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, headaches and lumbago.

Help with blockages of the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, headaches and lumbago.

The causes of malfunctions of joint mobility are manifold. Manual therapy can also be used very effectively in patients with spinal problems,such as herniated discs in the cervical spine (HWS), headache, witch shot.

Often pain and blockages can be attributed to a reversible dysfunction of the joint or related muscles. Also, a shortened musculature,arthrotic changes of the articular cartilage or narrowing of a nerve can lead to pain and limitations.

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Manual therapy in Berlin Mitte

With special handle techniques, joint mechanics and movement disorders in the spinal column are analyzed in order to create an individual treatment plan based on the results of the examination. With adapted handles, pain is relieved and movement restrictions are mobilized. Manual therapy aims to restore the interaction between joints, muscles and nerves. The treatment technique is targeted and gentle.

Manual therapy depends on the individual life situation of the patient. The direction of movement of the hands depends on this, as well as their position and force – depending on each individual joint. The aim is to treat painful disorders of joint mobility with adapted joint techniques.

Often manual therapy is also combined with physiotherapy treatment to achieve even better results.

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