Medical Flossing

Medical Flossing Berlin Mitte

Restore mobility of hardened muscles

Medical Flossing aims to achieve better mobility and freedom from pain through occlusion. This new technique from the USA employs elastic rubber bands to constrict targeted tissue. The tight wrapping of the rubber bands around joints, muscles, or fascias interrupts the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid in the targeted area. At the same time, externally induced pressure works on all layers of the constricted section. The patient then – either actively or with the assistance of the therapist – moves and thereby mobilizes the wrapped body parts. After one to three minutes, the rubber bands are removed. The fluid build-up is released, purging the tissue and providing intense stimulation to blood and lymph circulation.

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Medical flossing-therapy for sprains and strains

Flossing focuses on the fascia. Repetitive movements, lack of activity or just aging can lead to scarring or adhesions of the fascia, which in turn often cause pain and limited mobility. The combination of compression and movement during flossing stimulates the flow of fluids in the fascia and dissolves adhesions. This restores joint mobility and significantly reduces pain and swelling.

Patients frequently experience flossing as a liberating sensation, since the manual compression technique shows instant results in the shape of increased mobility and pain relief.

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