Why regular exercise strengthens the brain

Sport is not only important for the body, but also for the brain. With every sporting activity, the brain is better supplied with blood. As a result, we can concentrate better during and after exercise and think more easily overall. Just as regular exercise sessions increase the body’s physical condition, they affect the brain’s performance. And again, the more training, the stronger the brain.

Sport keeps the brain fit

While the average person spends most of their time in front of the computer or cell phone and likes to cozy up on the couch in the evening, the body and brain enter a state of stagnation. Although spending time in front of the TV may feel like relaxation, exercise is more suitable for reducing everyday stress. Regular exercise reduces stress and increases mental health.

Sport strengthens the brain Physiotherapy practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch
Sport strengthens the brain Physiotherapy practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch

During sport, messenger substances are also released that lead to a higher memory capacity. With regular exercise, the brain forms new brain cells that sustainably increase the ability to think.

What sport is particularly suitable

The most important thing in “brain training” is regularity. So if you exercise regularly, you will feel better physically and mentally. The type of sport is not necessarily decisive, as long as it is not a sport that overstrains the body. Overall, sports in nature are particularly suitable, as it offers some stimuli, such as sounds or colors, which – when absorbed – contribute to the renewal of brain cells. Those who choose to exercise in nature can, for example, bike, walk, jog or simply go for a walk.

Sport regularly strengthens the brain Physiotherapy practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch
Sport regularly strengthens the brain Physiotherapy practice Berlin Mitte Christian Marsch

If the weather doesn’t play along, a gym will do, where you can work out on the cross trainer or treadmill, for example. For people who like to dance, a dance class is also a good way to keep the brain fit, especially since this involves memorizing additional steps. Yoga or Pilates, by the way, are a great way to not only make your body sweat, but to stretch your muscles and make them more flexible. The bottom line is that the sport is fun! Incidentally, exercise can also be integrated into everyday life: For example, instead of taking the elevator, you can take the stairs.

If you manage to exercise regularly, you’re doing your body and brain a big favor. Physical fitness increases and the brain benefits with each workout.

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