Visceral techniques

Workplace Health Promotion Berlin Mitte

Needs analysis – stocktaking – advice

Physiotherapie Praxis Marsch offers companies of different sizes an all-round package for workplace health promotion. The package consists of 3 modules: Needs analysis, stocktaking and consultation.

Needs analysis

What does a company need to create optimal working conditions and ensure maximum employee satisfaction? The goal should be to create an ideal working atmosphere that allows for the lowest possible health burden.

Above all, the ergonomic design of the workplace plays a major role. Their analysis deals, for example, with the adjustment of chairs, keyboards, tables and screens. If the height of the office chair is optimally adapted to the height of the desk, tension and pain in the back and neck area are prevented. Beyond the optimal composition of the office area, it is important to consider the psychological state of the employees. Stress in the workplace can reduce employee satisfaction and lead to chronic illnesses, which – whether short or long term – will affect performance. Another analysis can be related to company policies regarding the compatibility of work with family and leisure time.

A needs analysis provides information on what exactly is required to create a perfect working environment with optimal conditions. After all, the long-term success of a company depends on the satisfaction of its employees. With simple means and measures, high efficiency and productivity can be achieved that sustainably satisfy both employees and managers.

Physiotherapie Praxis

Inventory / Ergonomics

What about the physical and mental stress of your employees in your company? What is the level of safety in the workplace? What is the atmosphere like in the company as a whole? These and more specific questions are the focus of an inventory or ergonomics.

Because the fact is: the working world is often exhausting and overstraining – both mentally and physically. While some employees complain of tension and pain in the back or shoulders, others react with psychological stress, such as cardiovascular problems or headaches. But under-demand can also be a major deficit that can negatively affect both employer and employee.

It is often forgotten that the health and satisfaction of employees is one of the most important resources that determine the success of a company, institution or organisation. An ergonomics analysis identifies deficits so that a plan of action can be drawn up. An inventory thus reviews the current state of the working environment and creates space and ideas for preventive and health-promoting proposals to increase the efficiency and productivity of the company with the help of an ideal working atmosphere.

Arrange a conversation

Are you interested in workplace health promotion? Then give us a call! We will be happy to advise you and make an appointment for a comprehensive discussion.

+49 30 54 88 11 77

Diagnostics / Consulting

Employee satisfaction is one of the most important resources for the success and further development of a company. But what does a good working environment depend on and what health prevention and promotion can help to create an ideal working environment? The well-being of employees depends on many factors. A diagnosis raises questions such as: Are the premises and the work equipment, such as chairs or desks, optimally furnished and conducive to health? Is the lighting conducive to concentration? Is there stress management, for example in the form of sports and exercise programmes or individual counselling?

Does your company support work-life balance and family? Solutions for this could be provided, for example, by a flexible working time model or childcare facilities. Company-specific individual counselling creates ideas and measures for the implementation of improved working relationships that can increase the productivity and efficiency of a company. A positive work dynamic and a good company climate bind employees to the company and sustainably increase its success.

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